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You can get the latest release on here or search it on the Mod Browser with its name, MultiCrafter Lib.


Method Json JavaScript Java Note
Dependency ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Players need download this mod
Injection ✔️ ✔️ No Need Keep your mod standalone
Jitpack ✔️ Full sources code support

For a JSON, JavaScript or Java mod.

If you want your mod to depend on MultiCrafter and only focus on your contents, it's for your use case.

You should add MultiCrafter as a dependency in the mod.[h]json file:

"dependencies": ["multi-crafter"]
dependencies: ["multi-crafter"]

For a JSON or JavaScript mod.

Injection makes your mod an actual Java mod, so it must fit the structure of Java mod.

Step 1#

You will have to download a zip, named, in here.

Step 2#

Unzip the downloaded zip and copy its contents into the root directory of your mod.

Unzip will add essential files into the root directory.
Please pay attention to your structure and avoid secondary directory in your mod zip.
Suppose your have this structure:

  • Before unzip:

    ├─ content/
    |  ├─ crafter.hjson
    ├─ mod.hjson
    ├─ icon.png

  • After unzip:

    ├─ multicrafter/
    ├─ scripts/
    |  ├─ multi-crafter/
    |  |  ├─ lib.js
    ├─ content/
    |  ├─ crafter.hjson
    ├─ mod.hjson
    ├─ icon.png
    ├─ classes.dex

MultiCrafter injection doesn't work when you zip your mod folder in a wrong way where have created a secondary directory.

Suppose you had a mod zip, named

  • This will work. In, there are...


  • But this will not. In, there are...

    ├─ multicrafter/
    ├─ scripts/
    ├─ content/
    ├─ mod.hjson
    ├─ icon.png

If you're using ZArchiver app, you could multi-select the each file inside your mod folder and zip them all into one.

Step 3#

Then add this line in your mod.[h]json:

"main": "MultiCrafterAdapter"
main: MultiCrafterAdapter

Then you can create your own multicrafter after checking this instrution.

  • Root Directory: A folder which always has icon.png and mod.[h]json.

You may face a warning about overwriting.

Your device may warn you that would overwrite something. It's always safe, but you'd better to back-up your mod workspace before copy.

For GitHub#

If you've uploaded your mod onto GitHub, please be careful about your mod type.

Because, a non-Java mod is always downloaded as zip with a secondary directory ingame, which doesn't work like what's mentioned above.

you have to add this line in your mod.[h]json:

"java": "true"
java: true

Thus, you need create a release with your mod file on your GitHub page manually.

Remember to change its extension directly from *.zip to *.jar, for example:

If your mod file is, it should be my-first-json-mod.jar.

Upgrade MultiCrafter Lib#

With Injection, you have to upgrade MultiCrafter Lib manually.

It's easy that you just need repeat the step above and handle with overwritten.

For a Java mod.

You can click here to fetch the latest version of MultiCrafter Lib.

  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle

    repositories { maven { url '' } }
  2. Add the dependency

     dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.liplum:MultiCrafterLib:<version>'
  1. Add the JitPack repository to your build.gradle.kts

    repositories {
        maven { url = uri("") }
  2. Add the dependency

     dependencies {

More Info#

You can access the repository on GitHub to obtain more information.

If you face any issue with MultiCrafter, please contact us on Issue Report page.

Join our Discord server to send us feedback or get help immediately.

Welcome to contribute MultiCrafter!