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JSON & Javascript#

Create a file, for example, a mine-crafter.hjson, in the content/blocks folder.

├─ blocks/
│  ├─ mine-crafter.hjson
Then set its type to multicraft.MultiCrafter.
type: multicraft.MultiCrafter

You can add recipes like this:

  input: ozone/1.5
  output: {
    items: [
    power: 2.5
  craftTime: 250.0
  input: {
    items: [
      cyber-io-ic/1 // You can add moded items or fluids
      lead          // the same as "lead/1"
  output: {
    fluids: [
  craftTime: 210.0

Create a file, for example, a mine-crafter.json, in the content/blocks folder.

├─ blocks/
│  ├─ mine-crafter.json
Then set its type to multicraft.MultiCrafter.
"type": "multicraft.MultiCrafter"

You can add recipes like this:

"recipes": [
    "input": "ozone/1.5",
    "output": {
      "items": [
      "power": 2.5
    "craftTime": 250.0
    "input": {
      "items": [
    "output": {
      "fluids": [
    "craftTime": 210.0

In a JavaScript file, you should import the MultiCrafter class from multi-cafter

const multi = require("multi-crafter/lib")
const mineCrafter = multi.MultiCrafter("mine-crafter")
You can add recipes like this: [
  input: "ozone/1.5",
  output: {
    items: ["copper/1","graphite/2"]
    power: 2.5
  craftTime: 250.0
  input: {
    items: ["cyber-io-ic/1", "lead"]
  output: {
    fluids: ["cyber-io-cyberion/1.2"]
  craftTime: 210.0


A recipe has several fields:

Field Type Note
input Object, String or List alias: [in,i]
output Object, String or List alias: [out,o]
crafterTime Number | unit: tick how long to do a synthesis, can be 0.
icon String such as Icon.lock-open. See Icon
iconColor String a hex color for icon

Input and Output#


The input or output can be a String. If so, it will be considered as an item or fluid.

If there is no amount given, 1 will be the amount as default.

input: copper/2
output: water/1.2
"input": "copper/2",
"output": "water/1.2"
input: "copper/2",
output: "water/1.2"


The input or output can be a List. If so, every element will be treated as an item or fluid.

input: [copper/2,lead/3]
output: slag/2.5
"input": ["copper/2","lead/3"],
"output": "slag/2.5"
input: ["copper/2","lead/3"],
output: "slag/2.5"


The input or output can be an Object. With this style, its power is unlimited.

Key Type Note
items String or List how much item for input/output, default: empty
fluids String or List how much fluid for input/output, default: empty
power Number | unit: power/tick how much power for input/output, default: 0
heat Number how much heat for input/output, default: 0
icon String such as Icon.lock-open. See Icon
iconColor String a hex color for icon
craftEffect String an independent craft effect for each recipe
input: {
  items: copper/10
  heat: 5
output: {
  items: moded-item/1
  fluids: [
    water/1.5, ozone/3
  power: 1.5
"input": {
  "items": "copper/10",
  "heat": 5
"output": {
  "items": "moded-item/1",
  "fluids": [
    "water/1.5", "ozone/3"
  "power": 1.5
input: {
  items: "copper/10",
  heat: 5
output: {
  items: "moded-item/1",
  fluids: [
    "water/1.5", "ozone/3"
  power: 1.5


You can customize which icon is used for your recipe selector menu.

If you don't set a dedicated icon, it will find the first one from the recipe.

For example:


icon: alphaaaa
iconColor: F30000
recipes: [
  input: ozone/1.5
    items : copper
    power : 2
    icon: alphaaaa
    iconColor: "F30000"
  craftTime : 250.0
  input: copper
    items : coal
    icon: lock-open
  craftTime : 120


icon = mono
menu: Simple
  input: copper
  output: coal
  craftTime : 60
  icon: mono
  input: copper
  output: ozone
  craftTime : 60

You can set it to a String, it will find the proper icon automatically.

  • For a built-in icon, it should start with Icon., such as Icon.lock-open or Icon.trash.
  • For an icon from item, fluid, unit or block, it should be its name, such as mono,phase-heat.
  • For any texture, it should be its name, such as your-mod-icon or alphaaaa.